Wednesday, June 25, 2014

First Ultrasound is Friday!

Numbers continue to rise from my bloodwork and I am currently 6 weeks and 4 days preggo... My first ultra sound is Friday at 9:15 am.  So exciting and surreal!!

My mom came to visit this past weekend, we had such an amazing time.  We went garage saling - it was so difficult to not buy ever baby item I came in contact with.

I have been thinking about when it comes to time announce this pregnancy; all I have wanted is to scream from the mountain tops that I am PREGNANT.. on facebook especially after having to see post after post after post about others getting pregnant, but now I am not sure if that's the way I will go or not.  So much as changed from going through fertility treatments and I do not want to be the one that makes someone feel hopeless because they have to suffer another pregnancy post. 

I will update more after the first ultrasound! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

BETA IS IN! 705!

So folks, I am really pregnant.  My Beta's (HCG tests) are doubling every 33 hours, which is pretty crazy.  I am still in shock! I can't believe I am pregnant!  We are excited but trying to stay calm.

We did finish our foster parent training classes this past Saturday and we are so excited.  We met some great people and learned so much.  It was such a nice time in our lives and despite getting pregnant, we just don't see how we can't continue on.  We plan on still fostering, maybe not as early as September like we originally thought but we do plan to still foster eventually and maybe even adopt still.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts but we are soooo very excited!! Despite all our fertility issues, all our struggles, and walking away... we some how managed to get ourselves pregnant!  :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I should not be a Blogger ... but HUGE SURPRISE!

So I know, I know, I have been gone for awhile... Things are great on the family front.  

In fact.. I am pregnant!

Yes you are reading that right!!!

We had Foster parenting class all last Saturday and it was amazing, we loved it, really good couple of sessions.  Throughout the weekend I was really tired.  Monday I went to the doctor to get my TB test done for DCFS and when they weighed me, I weighed quite a bit more than I thought, I thought well that's weird considering I have been doing shakeology and what not... well Tuesday was our home visit and I was stressed all day but I felt like poo.  Tired, headache, bloated etc. I got home from work and about 30 min before our licensing worker came, I decided to take a quick pregnancy test.. well guess what, it was POSITIVE!!

I freaked out and it was agony sitting through the home visit but it went amazingly.  After our case worker left, I told DH and he and I immediately ran out to the store and got more tests.

All confirmed, pregnant.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and got the bloodwork done and had to wait more than 24 hours for them to call me back.. Beta was a 20, a little low but the point is, I am pregnant!!! 

I tests a few more times since.. lol  

Back tomorrow for another blood test, I will be praying my little heart out tonight!