Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Can I just be normal?

Why all the drama and stress?

So i went last Friday for my first ultra sound, thinking i was nearing 7 weeks.  The ultra sound tech at my OBGYN's office could not find anything in my uterus.  She tried to keep me calm but I could tell she was worried.  She had me go back to the waiting room and wait... and wait... and wait.. until finally another OBGYN that I had never seen before called me in.  He explained he feels that I have an ecotopic pregnancy and I should begin to prepare.  I asked how given my rising levels etc but he said they were starting to slow down and that concerned him and he feels I should seek a second opinion to be sure but to start to prepare...  I was able to get in with a RE (Reproductive Specialist- not just an OBGYN) at another office, I drove there, hysterical I might add.. Anyways, I get there, and the RE doesn't seem concerned at all, she said my HCG levels are fine and on track.  They got me all set up with the ultra sound and right away they find the sack.... but no baby and no heartbeat.  She said again, she isn't concerned, when they looked, they had me measuring about 5 weeks and 4 days, when I thought I was closer to 6 weeks and 5 days.. eh  

Anyways, HCG came back 6959 and she said that is great, doubling every 72 hours as it should this late in the game.  I go back again on Wednesday for another ultrasound and I just pray we hear the heartbeat.  I had chose not to go to the RE when we got this surprise because frankly i didn't want to, I figured we did this on our own, maybe i can have a 'normal' pregnancy, but now that we are back at the RE, it's sad, but it's like being home, they just have better equipment, know more about early stages, and are more aggressive.  So back at the RE's office, hopefully for only a few weeks, then can head back to the OBGYN with a healthy baby in the tummy..

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